CollectDuplexSeqMetrics v1.2.0

Version of tools in docker image





  • CWL specification 1.0

  • Use example_inputs.yaml to see the inputs to the cwl

  • Example Command using toil:

    > toil-cwl-runner fgbio_collect_duplex_seq_metrics_1.2.0.cwl example_inputs.yaml


usage: fgbio_collect_duplex_seq_metrics_1.2.0.cwl
       [-h] [--memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB]
       [--memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD]
       [--number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS] --input INPUT --output_prefix
       OUTPUT_PREFIX [--intervals INTERVALS] [--description DESCRIPTION]
       [--duplex_umi_counts DUPLEX_UMI_COUNTS] [--min_ab_reads MIN_AB_READS]
       [--min_ba_reads MIN_BA_READS] [--umi_tag UMI_TAG] [--mi_tag MI_TAG]

positional arguments:
  job_order             Job input json file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB
                        Memory per job in megabytes
  --memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD
                        Memory overhead per job in megabytes
  --number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS
  --input INPUT         Input BAM file generated by GroupReadByUmi.
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix of output files to write.
  --intervals INTERVALS
                        Optional set of intervals over which to restrict
                        analysis. [Optional].
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of data set used to label plots. Defaults
                        to sample/library. [Optional].
  --duplex_umi_counts DUPLEX_UMI_COUNTS
                        If true, produce the .duplex_umi_counts.txt file with
                        counts of duplex UMI observations. [Optional].
  --min_ab_reads MIN_AB_READS
                        Minimum AB reads to call a tag family a 'duplex'.
  --min_ba_reads MIN_BA_READS
                        Minimum BA reads to call a tag family a 'duplex'.
  --umi_tag UMI_TAG     The tag containing the raw UMI. [Optional].
  --mi_tag MI_TAG       The output tag for UMI grouping. [Optional].

Last updated